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tv   The Reid Out  MSNBC  April 14, 2023 4:00pm-5:00pm PDT

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here too. see what i am saying? we see what is that from? >> this is my homey, black own business, support his brand.. styx stones. >> you have shut out other companies and brands. are we going to hear any shout out to this company in your music or is it too early to tell? >> stay tuned. >> thank you, future. >> thank you so much for this opportunity, man. love to all my fans out there. i appreciate you. we will keep you going. >> we will keep it going and love to everyone who is interested for this is the headline today, that new cannabis line, evil from future. we appreciate teacher hendrix coming by and talking about all that, the art music, the jimi
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hendrix legacy. nice way to end the week. have a great weekend. the readout starts now. tonight, >> justin pearson was not white and that is how he got voted in the port first place but he did a fantastic impression. he did a transition from a crypto white get into the modern incarnation of martin luther king jr. himself. it is remarkable for you never see politicians transfer to malcolm x. why is that? maybe because he did not talk like a sharecropper. >> that kind of racism, division and dishonesty is exactly what fox ceo juan for america. on monday, the trial begins in the dominican defamation trial, it shows how fox hosts light to the audience and riled up in the run-up to the january 6th insurrection. the former prime minister of australia joins me.
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he once said murdoch has done more to undermine democracy than any other individual alive. the daily show jordan klepper returns to the reidout. he has a lot to say about clarence thomas, trump, ron desantis and more. we begin reidout with the landmark case against fox . in roughly 72 hours, 12 jurors and 12 arguments will finally begin to hear the case in which they decide if fox and its anchors the famed dominion voting systems using actual malice. by knowing falsifying and recklessly disregarding the truth. when the right ring network air conspiracy theories about dominion's voting machines, supposedly feeling the 2020 election. while fox is insisted they did not act with actual malice they have faced a string of revelations. that have exposed their hoax and the news anchors as pure propaganda.
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evidence suggests that they knew they were amplifying the big lie and undermining american democracy. make no mistake, this $1.6 billion defamation suit is the biggest crisis to threaten the multibillion-dollar company sent its inception. fox over lloyd and logan roy, rupert murdoch. oversees a global media empire that has earned billions of dollars often by pumping racism, misogyny, and outright lies into conservative audiences in europe, australia and here in the u.s. zero regard for the havoc it has wrought around the world. fox has been the crown jewel in murdoch's empire and has granted him exceptional power to shape public opinion. which he has chosen to do mainly by monetizing hate. here is just a taste of what his host with saying things --
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>> we've got people who have covid. wait a minute. they have got covid. they've got all kinds of diseases. they are being released into the united states. >> white supremacy, that is a problem. this is a hoax. it is a conspiracy theory used to divide the country and keep a hold on power. >> it is a plot to >> reporter: america , to replace -- >> democrats believe that all ladies walking through the halls of congress taking selfies are a bigger threat than murderers and repeat violent offenders. >> is there anything that you could have done to get the kind of coverage that kamala harris is getting now? >> i would not have prostituted myself in terms of changing any of my positions in order to garner better press >> it is the same reason she started out her political career as a bratwurst bun.
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>> we talked about the dominion software. i know that they were voting irregularities. tell me about that. >> that is to put it mildly. >> feel free to take out the brain bleed. the case has also expose how deeply involved murdoch is in the editorial direction of his companies. in his deposition he admitted that he is, quote, a journalist at heart and likes to be involved in these things. that same deposition he and knowledge, under oath, that he could've told executives at any time to stop lying about the 2020 election and to tell their viewers the truth that donald trump lost to joe biden. he chose not to. why? because they did not want to alienate their audience by telling them the truth are made for advertisers, who double as guests, be my pillow guy. in short, it was all about profit. also the ideology and ego. sitting on top of his perch as
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the head of the right-wing media at par, murdoch has unfettered power to shape the world in his image, a world that is antiabortion and for big business and taft cut. this chaotic poison is designed to be this way. it has real-world consequences. the man who tried to crush capitol police officer, daniel hodges on january 6th, that he was radicalized by watching fox. he was just sentenced to more than seven years in prison he is not alone. a string of january 6th defendants have accused the network of infecting them with misinformation or downright brainwashing them. fox executives understand how serious the dominion case is one senior fox staffer told vanity fair, if we lose the suit, it is bad. malcolm turnbull, the former prime minister of australia and former journalist himself has known rupert murdoch for more than four decades. he is accused his fellow
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australian of doing more to divide america then vladimir putin has. in his own country, murdoch's news core has 60% share of circulation, 60%. mr. turnbull is heading a campaign that calls for a role commission, the highest form of public inquiry into murdoch's media dominance. he wants a podcast called defending democracy with mac turnbull. malcolm turnbull joins me now. you called rupert murdoch the most dangerous -- more dangerous than a vladimir putin to american democracy. how so? >> there is no individual alive that has done more to divide america then rupert murdoch. fox news is the dominant cable news service. it's business model is to make people angry it is really entertainment. they have no concern about the truth.
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the lie about the stolen election was the most dangerous consequential lie told in american politics in any of our lifetimes. your country was founded on a armed insurrection against the legitimate government. that is what the tea party was all about. there is murdoch, and his crew, telling americans that their government -- joe biden, the president, was illegitimate. saying that to the american people is like screaming out fire in a crowded theater. he did that knowing that it would have terrible consequences. >> fox news has a hold, legitimately, on a percentage of the public we are talking before the show came on about the fact that is the inverse proportion of power. the electorate -- the audience
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at fox is 90% white. it is heavily male. it is the part of the electric that is losing its grip on national politics. it is very hard for republicans of that mind-set to win a presidential election or to win even a statewide election or referendum on things like abortion or gay marriage, which is more popular in the united states now. that grip will get tighter. the concept gets more far righ . >> that is right. in many respects, what you see is murdoch has an audience that is large enough for him to monetize. it does not represent a constituency that is large enough to win national elections. we see the same thing in australia and we have seen parties, the labour party, winning elections does write ferocious attacks from the murdoch media. that, i think because of this very phenomenon.
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the paradox is that the center right political parties, which called the liberal party in australia. it is the center-right party, sort of like the british conservatives did the murdoch influence in the center-right and the republican party, question where there is a lot of send out in the right. his influence over those parties is greater than ever. the influence over the electric is less. that audience is becoming a smaller and smaller share of the electorate. >> they are becoming radicalized you have january 6th people that were radicalized by watching fox news. for a lot of people, they are the most trusted among their viewers. they will not watch anything else they only watch that. >> that is -- radicalized is a concept to hang onto. john colom, who is one of the
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people i interviewed on the podcast that you referred to earlier he is a homeland security expert here in the united states. he is work for the fbi. he is worth keeping america safe against extremism all of his life. he describes the radicalization of right-wing media, which fox is the largest party, as being so similar to the radicalization of people like al qaeda. the same techniques they use on young muslims, particularly men. essentially, you have got a media audience that is in silent. when i first got to know rupert murdoch in the 1970s, to have a media business, you have to reach a broad range of viewers. that is to maximize the audience episodes and so forth. a combination of technology and other things has enable you to actually -- now.
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we have people living in silos. if you're just falling right wing media, if you are falling fox news -- if you are living in that bubble -- that is where, regrettably so much of right-wing politics is going o . sure, you can believe that donald trump won the election. you can believe that the democrat are run by satanists. all of this crazy stuff that creates the environment which leads to extremism. the tragedies that this great country, upon which every person who believes in freedom in the world today depends on is more divided than it has ever been just since the civil war. >> i think that is entirely accurate. your prime minister from 2015 to 2018. rupert murdoch runs a media empire. what he does is very political. he was involved -- >> rupert murdoch, his meaty
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organization was very involved in the right wing coup that brought my leadership down. rupert, himself, was very actively involved. he proposed another proprietor and said, we've got to get rid of malcolm. stokes said, that is crazy. why would we want to do that? rupert said, stokes said to him -- if we do that, the labour party will win the election. rupert said, three years of labor would not be so bad. he was determined to get rid of me. largely because i was not deferential enough. rupert is a narcissist. he is vain. this is why he cannot bring himself to say that he will leave trump's lies. he does not want to seem stupid. he is addicted to power for its own sake. he knew -- he sat with me and my wife with jerry hall. he told us what an utterly
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unfit person trump was to be present. he talked with us before trump was elected, obviously. he knew trump. he knew him fairly well. once he saw that trump could win, he thought, i can have a guy in the white house that will take my calls and suck up to me and flatter me. i have been with donald and rupert murdoch, i have never seen a politician suck up to rupert the way trump did. i have seen dozens of politicians with murdoch over the 50 years that i have known him. yes, it is ideology, i think his son is more generally ideology of the right ring then rupert. to rupert what gets him out of bed in the morning is power. >> there is always a question of donald trump what he believes the things that come
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out of his mouth. he does not have much self control, so you have to assume that he does. is that who rupert murdoch is? >> i think he is political views are more right-wing. he was more progressive as he has gotten older and spent more time in america, he has become more right-wing. he clearly does not believe all the stuff. we see this from the deposition. this is pretty wild, isn't it? how cynical can you get? to be going out there with the biggest megaphone in the country telling the american people that the government is being stolen, when you know it is a lie. >> now, they're going to face the financial consequences. after dominion and the other company is waiting to see how many billions dominion gets. former australian prime minister
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and podcast host now, malcolm turnbull, i cannot wait to listen. thanks so much for coming down. >> thank you. republicans stand their ground on guns and abortion. this type the unpopularity of their positions with american voters especially, the. "reidout" continues after this. thank you for adults with generalized myasthenia gravis who are positive for acetylcholine receptor antibodies, it may feel like the world is moving without you. but the picture is changing, with vyvgart.
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today is the first day at the nra's annual convention, with thousands expected to attend, including relic and hopeful like donald trump and mike pence. ron desantis, nikki haley, tim scott arsenic in video messages. for the second year in a row, this convention is happening just days after the country was rocked by another mass shooting last year, it was you baldy. this year it is nashville and louisville. is taking place in annapolis. the same city where a shooter went into fedex facility in calais people two years ago. these trolleys are so commonplace in america, it would be nearly impossible to find a day that would not follow a mass shooting. the convention also comes after a week where the country suffers just how important this issue of gun violence is to americans. over the past 10 days, we have seen protest and student walkouts. as well as outpouring of support three lawmakers, who were expelled by republicans just for calling for common
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sense, form. despite all that, not to mention the polls and the elections and the people telling politicians this is what they care about. the republican party aims to be ignoring them. instead, crawling back to the nra. it is not just done. it is also abortion, climate change and lgbtq rights republicans cannot read the room. they are clearly on the losing side of the issues that matter to a majority of voters, especially young voters. none of them care. perhaps because they have amassed so much power in state legislators and in the courts. they do not think they have to. jenny now is olivia giuliana, and victor sheikh, cohost of the podcast. ,, both for being here. you are going to be my focus group on what young america is thinking when they watch these politicians. just pretend that
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the young people who are outside of the chambers protesting and yelling and screaming, and my next? please do something about gun reform are not there. olivia, in your perception, do they just ignore all of you? >> i wish i could say there is some grand plan that they have about why they ignore us. honestly, i think they are stupid. they have no real policy agenda they are used to this gold old boy game of buying elections or finding people who should not have government elected offices. they continue to undermine us. they continue to ignore our voices. i think that they know that it is a problem. those are not my words, those are the words of former republican governor of wisconsin, scott walker. after we just flipped the wisconsin supreme court said, verbatim, young voters are the issue. those are his words, a former governor in response to younger voters having mass turnout in a
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spring election. that is something that we do not see in this country. i think it is a marker of the trend. to people like scott and to these republicans, young voters are not the issue. young voters are the solution to the problem that is the maga republican party. we have made that clear in these elections. they expect is not to turn out they expect their far right base , their older white male base to carry them through and time and time again, they continue to fall short. that will keep happening until they decide to finally listen to what young voters have to say. >> victor, you tweet about this a lot. you are seeing as young voters start to participate more. it is the gen x and older, like young people do not vote anyway. now that you start to see the huge turnout that olivia was talking about, the response of republicans have not been to moderate the policies, it has been to suppress young voters. get rid of drop boxes because young people use them. mess around with the voter
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registrations and kick people off like they do in georgia. just do everything they can to make it harder for young people to vote. that is their response. the responses say we will not let you vote at all. >> exactly. that is what nursing the day after the 2022 midterm elections, issa republicans come out and say they want to see the age race to 21. yet they still allow 18-year old to buy assault weapons. parties are long on every level. like olivia said, republicans are stupid but they are also terrified. they would not be doing this if% they did not think we were a political threat to their message and their ability to sit in power. you have a bunch republicans literally trying to suppress us in states like texas, florida, increasing the requirements for voting i.d. laws . make it harder for us to go on campus. all of these things are trying to be geared to get us to stay home. it will not work because young people are out there and we are protesting. come 2024, they will see us turnout like never before.
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we are angry and kissed off republicans to take note of that. >> olivia, young voters have to come out in numbers that overcome voter suppression, which is what black voters of had to do for generations. you express a certain percentage, so we have to come out. black women and black men do that. young voters have voted at low levels, typically. now, upholds show the anxiety level among young people just about gun violence alone. the anxiety level among young people given the fact that a large percentage of young people never make it to 40. 58%, according to the institute of politics, exhibit the anxiety about gun violence there was a poll that has a percentage of young people that will not make it to 40 as children, is relatively high. when you see the anxiety -- does that start to translate among people you know into actual voting? is that connection being made humor >> absolutely. it is not just about gun
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violence. we are talking about what motivates young voters. the ar-15 are not the only thing that is putting americans in fear of being killed. it is the assault on the republic that we are seeing. we have legislators being removed from standing with young people in tennessee. it is the attack on reproductive freedom that we are seeing with people like ron desantis siding abortion bans in the dead of night so he can go on a book tour because he wants to be present. it is the radicalization that we see across the country this judge from my home state of texas who was a trouble point the ruling that a drug that the fda has ruled s.a.p. should not be legal. it is a slur of issues. these ar issues the republican party has decided to take up that does not just motivate young people in times of striking fear in us. it makes us angry. it makes us determine. i promise it is my life my ski work, my mission and my american dream that the republican party truly realizes
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and understands what they have done and what they have created among young people in this country. we are not going to back down. were not going to shy away from this fight. i promise you that they will know that is true come 2024 >> victor, you can tell what olivia is saying is true. ron desantis was so happy, he went on fox news and did an exclusive when he signed his anti-voter belt but when he did the abortion ban, he sent an email or tweet. he did not make a big deal of it the same way. he knows it is unpopular. they know that attacking trans kids and attacking lgbtq people and attacking history books is unpopular. how is it that young voters can get them to pay for it? they are doing it and what they're getting as reward are more marjorie taylor greene because the people always turn out to vote. >> the challenge going forward is making sure that democrats highlight the contrast in 2024.
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you have a clear contrast between what democrats are doing and republicans are doing. ron desantis thought he could get away with this by setting the bill at 11:00 p.m. eastern time last night. people are paying attention. you have students across the state of florida protesting and doing walkouts this weekend over the weekend. you have young voters really paying attention to this. it is up to democrats to make 2024. it is not a referendum. it'll be a choice between a party that cares about young people and their safety and their rights. a party that does not. the stalker that democrats can make that the more it will reach young people. it will show young people what the two parties are all about. you have one party that is completely disintegrated its responsibility from caring about young people. i think you are seeing the response right now with florida and tennessee. young people are not here for it. we are going to turn out and support the party that cares about it. just like olivia said, you sought in wisconsin. if democrats can run on that message of making sure we highlight the contrast, it will show young people the difference between the two
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parties. >> look at the screen, america. this is what my good friend calls the rising majority. the generation of my two guess here is the most diverse generation and they are the activists generation. do not fight them on twitter. you know what is going to happen to you. you saw what they do to the people who try to mess around. olivia juliana, victor sheet, you're both incredible. leave them alone. on deck next, celebrating jackie robinson day. with an inspiring visit to the jackie robinson museum in new york city. remarkable insights from his youngest son. stay with us when you have chronic kidney disease. there are places you'd like to be. like here. and here.
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if american history could be captured in a single life, look no farther than jackie robinson's and the hall of famer who integrated major league baseball on april 15, 1947. he was wearing the number 42. now, every april 15th, tomorrow, the mlb along with millions of fans worldwide celebrate jackie robinson day. we spoke to jack and see that son, and present of the foundation about the american icon and why his legacy be on baseball resonates today. it is a moment frozen in history. jackie robinson, breaking baseball's long-held color line
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by stepping onto the field in brooklyn on april 15, 1947 becoming the first mic american to play major league baseball in the 20th century. it is the scope of his life, not just that moment that truly encapsulates modern american history. the indignities of black people suffered but also the progress and promise of integration. it was a life that began in 1990 teen when jack roosevelt robinson was born in post- reconstruction georgia under the horrors of jim crow. >> his grandmother was born a slave. his mother was a sharecropper. we knew through his history, which was my family history, which is our race history. >> we got to sit down with david robinson at the museum in new york city. eight place that chronicles the trailblazing achievement against the back drop of u.s.
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history >> my father was a man of few words and very strong actions. he was very impactful in a very modest number of words. i think we learned as much by his example as we did by what he said. >> david's recollections comes as education is under threat. it is by museums like this one could be one of the final frontiers for true accounts of our past. the museum is part of the jackie robinson foundation, which was established in 1973 by jackie's wife, rachel. last year, she turned 100 years young. the museum's president and ceo, britain, wanted the exhibits to showcase the full breath of robertson's legacy. >> this is rachel robinson, not only has wife and lifelong partner and love of his life -- that was mutual. >> he heard the stories all the time about their -- when they
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went down south for the first time and being taken off the airplane and had to go to the first spring training on the back of a bus. jack and rachel robinson come from a history of african american struggle and protest in standing up for civil rights. it was a fantastic pair. >> the museum opened in 2022. expect to see the awards, the stats and jerseys but also the stories off the playing field. like how jackie, a u.s. army lieutenant, before his baseball career was arrested and court- martialed first choosing to move to the back of the bus. this was 11 years before the world would know rosa parks. which is why martin luther king jr. would later call robinson eight freedom writer before the freedom rides. yet the racial taunts, the
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slurs were endless. this anonymous hate letter, years into his career threatening to lynch him if he played. upon retiring from the game, robinson entered the public affairs and corporate world. fire hoses and police dogs were unleashed on young black people protest in segregation, jackie robinson felt the call to do something about it. >> i do not like these big teeth that i see on the dogs. i don't like to see the expressions of the police in birmingham, alabama. i do not like to read about pregnant women being poked in the stomach by ice sticks. i do like to see young kids of nine years old being thrown across the street by the force of a fire hose. i believe that i must go down and say to the people, thank you for what you're doing, not only for me but for america. >> jackie decided he was going to make one of his platforms on his civil rights route economic empowerment. he often said the ballot in the book are the two most important things for advancement of my
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community. >> jackie robinson made his last public appearance during the 1972 world series. his one last message for baseball to integrate the managerial ranks. he died of a heart a back 10 days later at the age of 53. to your senses death, the battle against anti-blackness remain central to american story. the culture war has entered the classroom where conservatives are banning the stories of jackie robinson and other black icons. baseball's great experiment indoors. >> sometimes we fear as human beings facing a difficult truth but that is the only way that we are going to be able to develop a plan for moving forward as one nation, is is if we honestly deal with the african american history those
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are all, as you say, truth that we have to deal with. >> those truths are black history, which is american history. to be studied, celebrated and preserved. that is the key message of the great museum he and rachel built. thanks so much to all the team at the jackie robinson museum. david robinson, rachel robbins, and the amazing producer of the segment at the crew that shot the package. circle jordan klepper joins us and to hear his thoughts on clarence thomas, ron desantis, and more. we will be right back. ♪ what is it about the first warm breeze of the season
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they customize your car insurance. so you only pay for what you need! whoo! we gotta go again. only pay for what you need. ♪ liberty. liberty. liberty. liberty. ♪ another day another story of clarence thomas drifting in plain sight. since last week when propublica reported that justice thomas has been globetrotting with harlan crow and ot disclosing it, we have learned some interesting things about his billing her benefactor buddy. harlan crow is a collector of hitler artifacts. his collection includes two of hitler's paintings and a signed copy of mein kampf, among other memorabilia. the billionaire's dallas mansion also boasts a garden full of statues of 20th century dictators, such as joseph stalin. totally normal stuff the mall,
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we learn about another questionable financial transaction between row and thomas. according to propublica, crow purchased three properties in a residential neighborhood in savannah, georgia or more than one of $30,000 the properties belong to thomas' relatives. including the elderly mother home, which crow still owns. a watergate era law requires justices and other officials to disclose real estate sales over $1000 thomas reportedly never did. justice thomas did not respond to questions about it. harlan crow said he purchased the house so he could preservative for posterity. you know, like a signed copy of mein kampf. join me now is jordan klepper, who is guest hosting the daily show on next week, which should be fun. jordan, normally, when black folk make it, the first thing we say is i'm going to buy my mama a house of all the things that seem odd and corrupt about
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this, the fact that clarence thomas did not my by his wn mama a house, and he let his friend a -- that is a thing that is fitting where they prove are your thoughts? >> i don't know why else you would have a billionaire friend if you do not ask them to high your a home. that would be summer one for me. i look at the story and i think this is part of the reason we have to tax the super rich. they do not know what to do with their money. they're just buying houses for folks. they're buying paraphernalia. i think that stands out as the excuse around this. though statues in the backyard were there to remind him of the danger of power gone unchecked. all you need to do is turn and look at the supreme justice that you bought a house for. a living monument standing right next to you. >> there you go. fox is not talking about enough. they are more interested in doing things like, yelling at
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justin pearson for going to college, apparently and running for student government. i have to play this for you. it is so awful. this is just a little bit of tucker carlson's recent rant about justin pearson. take a look. >> he transitioned from a crypto white kid into the modern incarnation of martin luther king jr. himself. it is remarkable, really. you never see politicians transition into malcolm x. why is that? baby because malcolm x did not talk like a sharecropper. >> there is so much racism in there, i do not know what to do. after her the rent i remember that tucker carlson masqueraded as someone who should be on dancing with the stars. and was a legal dancer, essentially. he did not see irony in the fact that he attempted to seem like a dancing foal rather than just the fall that he has. your thoughts? >> this seems to be a fear of any kind of transitioning.
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again, it feels like any -- any finger that he points point right back at him. the thing that stood out to me with tucker carlson sitting across from donald trump and telling his viewers to pay attention to this man. next week, there will be a dominion lawsuit showing the text and how he feels about it. this seems to be another example of when they are calling something else out, they seem to be office getting the obvious truth they are hiding. >> or the fact that he begged hunter biden to get his son into georgetown. and that he only got into college because his girlfriend's father was rich and connected he could not get into college on his own but he is a lot to say about other people and >> the ponded world only cares about, will he attacked on trump? does the attack don't talk how is he attacking donald trump? not paying attention to, i don't know, the attacks on black history, the attacks o
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lgbtq folks, and now the fac that he is literally, like attacking women by passing a six-week abortion ban in the dead of night. >> it's scary in florida i just spent a bit of time i hungary doing a special fe months back. some of the things that we saw happening there under the orba receive regime we are seeing echoed in florida in thi recent abortion ban is scary stuff. i know people are frightened b what is happening >> and happening in the dark of night as well. i think he announced it at 1 pm last night, which, in florida, people go to bed at six. that's like three i am nothing good happens in th middle of the night. it only speaks to, even thes dastardly moves that he is taking down in florida, even h is not proud of this he knows these aren't popular. they aren't serving hi constituents that's why they are having the secretly it seems like a lack o knowledge or lack of understanding is the game plan down there >> fort lauderdale is literall flooding, and apparently h
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doesn't care about that, i hasn't called the mayor of lauderdale because he doesn' care you're gonna be our next wee listing the deal issue you do one of the great things talking to trans folks on th real world i know you are talking about some of them on the day trum was arraigned. what did you hear back how incoherent was it on a scale of one to extremel incoherent >> i was in new york, so it wa to elect, direct to say th least. in new york new york you hav the maga supporters were defensive. they were outnumbered by reporters, and then suddenly george santos ran throug trying to get attention. so just when i thought i had seen the circus, the circu continues to expand in ways would not imagine. but what you would imagine i the response, the maga faithfu word at all coward by the idea of don trump being arrested. he was innocent and it's onl made him stronger. but that being said it was a strong group of maga faithful. >> do you get the sense, because you have talked to s many trump supporters around the country, that the dominion
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revelations about how much those hosts actually hate them will that impact those peopl at all but you have met alon the way? >> now i think the worldview has been established for the true mcguffey for any story that challenges that worldview is immediately see as distrustful and not to be a all taken into consideration, think this grievance culture i very much a part of the whol trump narrative. this does make him stronger in the eyes of those faithful what is more curious to me i that moderation. the folks in the middle i thin are paying attention i haven't seen the numbers recently the rallies have bee different. they haven't quite been as big and as wild as the past ones have been. so i don't doubt that the maga faithful are still where the were years ago it's people that are questioning him watching what' happening in florida and seein ifthere's an off ramp. >> two words, bud light. your thoughts on a freak out
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about bud light doing to gay friendly can and now there is right-winger here he is online. here he is onscreen, selling his own better beer, which i not woke i guess it tastes different. >> i think if you are trul offended by the tiniest gestur of inclusivity, then they guid you are suing choosing to sobe up >> [laughter >> great news for everybody. i saw people online who were s angry they are ripping down bu light paraphernalia, signs posters, things from inside, and in my head i'm like, thi guy is becoming so much more affable. his house looks great. thank god. there's a lot of positiv things we're gonna have a sober culture, and more inclusiv culture, interior designin through the roof i don't think bud light is hurting. >> i don't think bud light i hurting from this. no one's gonna buy tha alternative version of bud
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light. but it's always a grift. jordan klepper is staying with me, at the hostage situation a this point and coming up, there he is president joe biden, biden-ing in ireland he is winning at life, but did he win the week? we will answeraf, ter this short break. to somewhere, anywhere. ♪ ♪ a beach house, a treehouse, ♪ ♪ honestly i don't care ♪ find the perfect vacation rental for you, booking. yeah. i've never been healthier. shingles doesn't care. booking. but shingrix protects. proven over 90% effective, shingrix is a vaccine used to prevent shingles in adults 50 years and older. shingrix does not protect everyone and is not for those with severe allergic reactions to its ingredients or to a previous dose. an increased risk of guillain-barré syndrome was observed after getting shingrix. fainting can also happen. the most common side effects are pain, redness and swelling at the injection site, muscle pain, tiredness, headache, shivering, fever, and upset stomach.
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another week thank god. which means it's time to par favorite game. there is the music who won the week back with me is jordan klepper who is next week's guest hos of the daily show. jordan klepper, host of th daily show for the following
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week who won? >> i'm giving it to michigan governor gretchen whitmer. shut out to my home stat governor i actually got spend littl time with her this week. we did an interview. it's going to be on the dail show this upcoming week. and that is a state that has a lot of hunters in it there's a lot of people, mos of the people in michigan want common sense gun reform passed and they pass legislation this week, and it gives me a sens of hope that when you see tragedy like msu take place an you see action taken to deal with that tragedy, it' politics moving in the right direction. >> amen, amen, amen. well, yours is a very seriou an important one minors just fine it is the rule publicans my favorite new follow o instagram. you can see corrupt, on mike pence, mother pans, mitc mcconnell anita filibuster mcconnell and rhonda sentenc aka ron desantis that was created right through the now has 150,000 colors including myself, greed by craig's husban


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